Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Take TIME for Parenting: Today's Inspired Moment of Empowerment

The Situation: 
It has happened in many families over the past week -- you and your child see a tragic event on the news, and your child feels upset. After you've redirected their attention away from the source of the news (turn off that TV!), you really want to know ...

What's an empowered parent to do?

#1 is to CONNECT with your child. Be curious and interested in what he or she is feeling. Don't assume you know what that is. Sometimes a light physical connection is helpful, and a gentle question.

#2 is to JUST LISTEN. Be quiet and listen to them, without jumping in trying to fix it. Even if their feelings are uncomfortable for you, your job is to give them a safe space to express what they are feeling without projecting your own emotional reaction OR protecting them from feeling theirs.

#3 is to VALIDATE what they are feeling. See through their eyes, and let them know you hear and understand.

#4 is to REASSURE your child - but only after they have expressed their feelings. Let them know that they are safe, in a way they will understand at their age: "Even though scary things happen sometimes, all is well and you are safe."

And very important, you've got to believe it when you say it.

Until next TIME,

Today's Inspired Moment of Empowerment is brought to you by Parent Empowerment Coach Kim Griffith, MA, BCC, mother of a wise 9-year-old and developer of the WAVE™, a life-changing process bringing confidence and calm to parents and kids.  

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